The Story Of LandProps

After returning from active duty in the Marine Corps in 2004, Frank was looking for an entrepreneur venture that would allow creativity and freedom. He would find that passion in real estate and has been buying and selling real property ever since. He enjoys helping people find solutions regardless of the situation. His wife and high school sweetheart, Gina is by his side, helping with correspondence, advertising, and administrative tasks.
Together they have purchased all types of real estate, oversaw renovations, and managed multiple properties. They have the know-how and skill set to help provide you with a seamless transaction.

When Our Love For Land Started...

We have a daughter with special needs and traveling, especially by airplane, was a daunting task. Taking her wheel chair through security each time was a nightmare. We knew we needed a drivable “getaway” that allowed us to have family time and turn off from our “tech” gadgets and regroup with nature. Just hours away from us, is a heavily wooded area where we can camp, swim in a lake, barbeque, and reset with family quality time. It was then that we realized how valuable this piece of land is in our lives. Each piece of land is unique just as its use and experience received by the owner.